Was Woman’s Fainting Episode Staged? - The Insurance and Finance Scope <!-- tosinakinde_sidebar(1)_AdSense6_160x600_as -->

 The Insurance and Finance Scope

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Monday, January 13, 2014

Was Woman’s Fainting Episode Staged?

Everything is a conspiracy theory for detractors of President Obama. So, it was only natural that when the Commander in Chief caught a pregnant woman who was about to faint during an Obamacare speech, the anti-Obama contingent saw her placement behind the President during a pivotal address as some sort of setup.
Add this to the ever-growing list of Barack Obama conspiracy theories; there’s enough of them to fill the Qur’an three times over. You know, the holy book the president supposedly holds in greater esteem than our Constitution?
Video footage shows Karmel Allison, who has Type 1 diabetes and is currently pregnant, a supporter of Obamacare, standing directly behind the POTUS before becoming lightheaded. Along with a few of the other people present, Obama holds onto Allison as she seems to be on the brink of falling over. The president jokes: “This happens when I talk too long.”
A Weekly Standard blogger points out that some right-wingers aren’t accepting the images at face value, claiming instead:
“You will see in the… video that the pregnant woman is standing with a friend who is holding her hand with her arm wrapped around her waist. That is until she starts to “faint”. Then she steps slightly aside and never even looks at the women she is holding. She smiles a nervous smile for the camera because she has done her part in this extremely poorly orchestrated drama.
Why would they come up with this transparent attempt to manipulate the low information voters?
Did it make anyone feel warm and fuzzy for our hero President? Did it take the focus off the disastrous website?
Whatever the reason was that Obama and his advisers had to dream up this silly scheme it certainly smacks of desperation…”
It is a little suspicious to see the president glancing over his shoulder before the “fainting” as if anticipating something that was pre-planned… although wider views (or the media Obama was facing could have easily drawn his attention); however, there is no indication that he could have known to turn around during a televised speech to check on the health of his supporters at that exact moment and Allison’s story checks out. This, boys and girls, is what we call a terrific coincidence.

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