What is the problem with All Progressive Congress ( APC ) - The Insurance and Finance Scope <!-- tosinakinde_sidebar(1)_AdSense6_160x600_as -->

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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

What is the problem with All Progressive Congress ( APC )

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 The 2015 presidential election is just few months away from now. And the major opposition party, All Progressive Congress seems to be in total unsettle mode- unsure of its message, uncertain of its presidential candidate, and unsure of its identity. The word on the street is that APC is bedeviled by Kilimanjaro-sized ego and internal wrangling. If it cannot get its house in order, should Nigerians trust them to get Nigeria-house in order?
Nevertheless, ego, conflict of interest and internal wrangling are all part of organizations and political systems the world over. in other words,what's going on within APC is not new or uncharacteristic. But why is it taking the APC too long to resolved the issues and get ready for the battle, and electoral war ahead. so likes of Tom Ikimi will not leave the party again.
That President Goodluck Jonathan and people's democratic party are bent on " counting the voters" is no reason for the APC to lay still and be pummelled. Rigging or no rigging, defeat is not certain; victory is not assured. while the political tide can turn at any time, the APC should not leave such fortune - the turning of tide - to chance, but to put deliberate  actions For the tide to turn, however it must be willing to fight intelligently. It must be willing to differentiate itself from the PDP, The electorate must know the difference between farting and whistling.
Moreover, the truth is that APC is much better than its immediate challenges. It is far better than what it currently portrays itself to be.The gospel is trust is that the APC has the ability,the potential and demonstrated record to move the country and the people towards the path and the mountain envisage by our founding fathers, the likes of Tafawa Balewa, Nnamdi Azikwe and Obafemi Awolowo.The party has the vision, the courage and the spirit to do what is right for the country is not in doubt. This is apparent in my opinion when you consider the likes of Muhammadu Buhari the former military head of state and Babatunde Fashola the present governor of Lagos state.
Nonetheless,unless APC change its tactic, President Jonathan and the PDP would make a mince meat out of it in 2015.Frankly, Speaking if the presidential election were to hold today, Jonathan would surely humiliate all his opponents. Even without rigging and other forms of electoral malpractices,every single presidential contender would be taken to a cleaners. That is simple! Thank God the presidential election is not taking place now.Hence, the APC still have time to put its house in order. This it should have done a year ago.
President Jonathan, legendary aloofness, his awkward speaking style, his insularity, his penchant for embracing certified rogues and hugging convicts-he has a way of getting his way. Jonathan has a way of making his opponents look like political neophytes and gargantuan imbeciles. Time and again, this president has demonstrated that he is not what his opponents paint him to be. Again and again, he has shown that, in all matters politics, he is better than most when it comes to survival strategies. At the very least, he has shown that he is politically smarter than Olusegun Obasanjo whom i thought is smarter.
What does the APC want ? How is it different from the PDP? why should the electorate abandon Jonathan and vote for its presidential candidate ? why? And does the APC have a manifesto? I would like to see the party talk about its policy direction and policy implementation and all that. The electorate are different. And so, how does the APC intend to build, repair and upgrade our infrastructure? What is it going to do about our dilapidated schools and falling educational standards? What manner of national and foreign policy agenda does it intend to pursue? What is the party going to do about blinding crimes and corruption?
Millions of Nigerians, especially the youth are unemployed or underemployed. Several millions are in abject poverty. Terrorism has suddenly become a part of our daily lives. Across the country, political, economic and cultural perversions are daily becoming a staple of our society. what's the solution to these and other national crises? The APC should tell us - and tell us now.
In strategic locations, there are billboards taunting " Jonathan's transformational agenda and unparalleled success" Yet, the APC is not challenging the president on these claims. They are not presenting qualitative or quantitative data to argue otherwise. Even in the areas of security and electricity, the president is claiming success and credit. How could this be? when a neighboring country (Ghana) is planning to give us electricity. What is wrong with the opposition, What is wrong with APC and the rest?
There are billboard inviting Nigerians to attend nationwide rallies in support of the president. Well, does the APC have similar billboards? In places where you don't see his face or hear his voice, you see his hands and footprints. This President is everywhere and the APC is nowhere to be found. The APC, it can be safely said, is missing in action! What's more, there are radio and television adverts asking Nigerians to embrace Jonathan because, amongst other things, "Jonathan loves you". Crude or not, the president's message is getting through to the masses. In multitude, they are responding; they are beginning to love him. In an election year, love can be a wonderful thing!

Image result for picture of apc partyHowever, if the APC thinks the masses would revolt at Jonathan's electoral success, it is mistaken. Terribly mistaken! Yes, there will spots of noises and chest-pounding in places like Lagos and Abuja. But for the most part, Nigerians would go about their daily lives- misery or not misery. And if such activities get out of hand, the police and the army will be there to carry out "order from above".
Also, if the APC thinks the supreme court would reverse Jonathan's success at the polls, it is mistaken. The court would not turn off the lights when the celebratory party begin. Irregularities or no irregularities, western nations and their ambassadors in Abuja will send congratulatory messages. African nations will follow suit.
Not long after the election, the APC - Should it lose- will shrink. And may even dissolve! Should this happen, Nigerians will not miss it. Even so, it will be remembered as the party that huffed and wined and immediately went back to deep sleep. Many will wonder how "the man from otueke" was able to deal a decisive blow to " Lion of Bourdillon". Whatever the answer, life, as we know it in Nigeria, will continue; More looting and more of everything that makes Nigeria a sick and sickening society.

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