Stop The Blame and Let Cross unto the other side. - The Insurance and Finance Scope <!-- tosinakinde_sidebar(1)_AdSense6_160x600_as -->

 The Insurance and Finance Scope

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Friday, September 9, 2016

Stop The Blame and Let Cross unto the other side.

Let me admit straight away that I got the inspiration for this write up on the 4th of September 2016,precisely natal date of my fiance on my way coming from work. 

A commuter engaged fellow commuters on political and economy issues in the country taking into consideration the time in which we are now. Permit me to quote them verbatim;  "Buhari has spoiled this country olorun, that's( God ), see how people are suffering, see the dollar rate, see every states no dey pay salary again. No money again to spend; no money in town."   And the whole bus fired up with criticism of buhari and his team with the exception of three or five that differ on their point of view and tried as much as possible to educate and expanciate on how we got ourselves where we are now.

All the explanation and enlightenment doesn't go down with them. They don't see genuine substance in it and never see any progress being made under the current administration. What I noticed from their point is immediate benefits not the long time own. It was so noisy that both side couldn't agreed on anything; but then I realized I'm in Nigeria which is allowed.

Having, narrate a tip  episode of what happened on a daily basis in every nooks and crannies of the country depict the position of our nation and the kind of people we are individually and collectively.
Although,it was written in 19th century, Charles Dickens' opening words in his novel on revolutionary france, A Tale of Two Cities, aptly captures the spirit and atmosphere of the times in which we live today. In his memorable words,  " it was the best times, it was the worst of times, it was a season of despair, it was a season of hope, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us......"  There are millions across the globe who once had jobs and homes but have today lost all to the economy recession. They once had everything but now have nothing. It is for multitude season of despair, darkness and despondency. 

The entire world is currently shivering in the cold winter of economic despair with millions of individuals and hundreds of corporate organizations thrown into pain, devastation and even hopelessness. It is Crystal clear now that no nation is an island on his own and what is happening in international markets always have an impact on different nations of the world.
Such is the case of Nigeria which is operating mono-product economy that has adversely affect the forex Income and cause economic stagnation in the land.

Again, I do not subscribe to the school of thought that believe the current hardship we are experiencing is caused by President Buhari or APC  So to say; but one thing is certain the current economic quagmire predated Buhari. More so, to apportion blame is not the right thing to do in the face of dwindling economy. 

The Case For Passing  over and moving forward. 

Stagnation is a problem in life. Very often people choose to remain within their comfort zone where there will be no disruption to their daily routines, and where challenges are kept to bare minimum. Yet life cannot remain stationary. The knowledge of today will be inadequate to meet the challenges of tomorrow. We must strive to move forward as a nation, and knowledge must be acquired on a continuous basis. Even when undertaking a journey, the pilgrim is expected to be constantly on the move.

The Yoruba encourage people not to limit themselves, but to explore alternative possibilities for break-through, until success is achieved. As a Yoruba proverb put it " ona kan ko wo oja".- there is usually more than one road to the market:
   One should learn to sing new song because the old ones are already well known and have achieved the purpose for which they were introduced.As a nation we need a new conviction, a new strength that will enable, enrich and empower  for sustainable living. Each generation requires a new direction at work and at home, a means of review and revitalization, a retraining, a rebirth,a new strength,a new resolution and commitment.

This is the period where we have to decide to move forward,we have to acquire the attitude for bravery and possess the wisdom for courage. Moving forward means never giving up and constantly searching for an alternative opening. 

Thus, the process of passing over and moving forward ends with the attainment of higher level after a period of uncertainty and anxiety. Nature abhors stagnation and standing still. The bible tells us the story of how the Lord frowned at Moses when he felt so intimidated by the red sea that he stopped moving:

"And the Lord said to Moses why did you cry to me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward".

As soon as the Israelites advanced, the Red sea opened up and they passed through it to their promise land. The Lord Jesus himself challenged his disciples to cross over to the other side of the sea where he had taught. 

Suffice to the above it is worrisome how the blame game is hovering between PDP and APC when the masses are suffering. I understand the fact that this current administration is doing very possible to revive the economy and make life bearable for Nigerians. But that should not negate the fact that Nigerians voted for them in the first place and they are answerable to them. I know the change is not over night change or one mighty abracadabra. Also  i

am an incurable optimist. I am a firm believer in the maxim that no matter how dark a tunnel may appear to be, there will always be some ray of light at the end.

Of course, this presupposes that for you to encounter this light, you must not stand still at the darkest end of the tunnel. Therefore, the philosophy underpinning this belief is that for you to get to the bright end, you must keep moving away from the darkest end.

You must stay the course; perseverance is the watchword. Don̢۪t quit because quitters never win. Here, pragmatism is an inevitable companion.

This conviction also informed my reaction to the socio-political and economic developments in our country in recent times.

I strongly believed that no matter how starkly the national augury may seem to tilt south, we shall overcome as long as we have a leadership that is prepared to put on its thinking cap, prepared to listen, be pragmatic and innovative in handling the myriad of problems confronting the nation.

The last thing we need right now is a leadership that is in denial, a leadership that revels, like the ostrich, in burying its head in the sand, thinking that nobody is seeing it. The last thing we need in this country is a leadership whose only solution to the problems is to point fingers of blame at others. Unfortunately, this is the leadership we have right now.

However, My worry was not informed by the frightening numbers released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on Wednesday, August 31, which finally confirmed what many already knew – that the economy had slid into recession or that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth at a woeful –2.06% performance did worse than expected. It was –0.36% in the first quarter.

The fact that $1 exchanged for N425 last week with a potential of going beyond N500 before the end of the year, while inflation rose to 17.1 per cent in July from 16.5 inJune is scary, but didn't worry me much.

Ditto the unemployment figure which increased to 13.3 per cent from 12.1 per cent and investment inflows which dropped to the lowest levels at $647.1 million from $710 million.

These figures are the natural consequences of a nation that refused to planned and save for the future. My major concern is the antics of shifting blame. It is the responsibility of Buhari and his team to take us to the presume promise land. So in the interim we must all stop the blame game and cross over to the other side where Nigeria economy is revived. More jobs are back on board,constant electricity, Good Roads, modernize Rail system, surplus of food and friendly environment for business.  So also we must prepare to learn our lessons this time around because getting to other side comes with difficulties and challenges.

Finally, let me say here that I'm a staunch supporter of this current administration and I wish them well in all sectors. I give it to them in the area of security and fighting boko haram to a stand still but they must proceed from there and use the same zeal to pursue economic development and make life better for Nigerians. The masses are dying. There's suffering in the land only the rich are coping. And on this note I submit that we should stop the blaming game theory. 

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