Pastor Chris Visits Israel at Monastery of the Silence - The Insurance and Finance Scope <!-- tosinakinde_sidebar(1)_AdSense6_160x600_as -->

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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Pastor Chris Visits Israel at Monastery of the Silence

When Pastor Chris Oyakhilome arrived at the Monastery of the silence, he was warmly received by his followers. This took place during his trip to Israel which was intended to take eight days. The tour gives his followers a one-off chance to experience things they have encountered in the Bible physically in the presence of this man of God. The Monastery of the silence is one of the holy sites that are held high by Christians since it has a significant meaning to them. The atmosphere around this place was divine, and the people were filled with the grace of the son of God. During the welcoming ceremony, Pastor Chris ‘followers used the opportunity to take photos with him which they will keep in memory of this day. It was fulfilling for both the witnesses and followers to have this man of God with them at this holy memorial site.
Christ Embassy.
The monastery of the silence is a historical place found on your way to Jerusalem. It is surrounded by olive trees and vineyards and has a chapel, a wine shop, and a beautiful inner garden. The place is a home for Monks who have taken a vow of silence, and even though they can’t talk, they are very friendly. They make cookies, truffles, olive oil, wines among other things which you can purchase and take them home with you. People visit this place alone for meditation while others come in groups to fellowship as well as to                                                                                     experience the beauty around it.
This monastery is a place of stillness and peace, and there is calmness as you walk around the garden. This place is tranquil and calm, and Pastor Chris made sure that everyone got a chance to get inside. Most of the followers used this chance to meditate and get closer to God. Others walked around the place enjoying its beauty and took a couple of pictures to remind them of the site once they were gone. They also shopped around for the beautiful things that were sold by the monks, and some got a chance to taste it the monastery was one of the places Chris Oyakhilome visited on his eight-day during his visit to Israel. His trip was planned and made success by his church, Christ Embassy also known as Believers’ Love-world Incorporation. This church was founded in 1987 by this renowned pastor and has ever since gained popularity in other countries. Its headquarters is in Lagos where it has more than forty thousand followers. This ministry aims at helping people in other nations experience the presence of God and to live in accordance with Christ. They have several TV stations and have written books which they use as tools to spread the word of God. They believe that to be like Christ, you should live the life he lived and be an example to other people. They emulate Christ by being there for those who need help both spiritual and physical. By planning this pilgrimage journey, they wanted to bring people closer to God. The monastery is highly regarded by both Israel and Jordan since it is Biblically significant and is, therefore, a suitable place for believers’ re-connection with God.
Although there are many people, who would have wanted to join the pastor on this great journey, some of them did not make it. Those who missed out, however, can still get to experience the monastery virtually through the eyes of this great pastor.The highlights and places he visited will be aired live on Twitter, Facebook, and the official YouTube channel. 
culled from Punch

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