Analysis of Trump Visit to United Kingdom and happening events - The Insurance and Finance Scope <!-- tosinakinde_sidebar(1)_AdSense6_160x600_as -->

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Friday, July 13, 2018

Analysis of Trump Visit to United Kingdom and happening events


MapSince Donald Trump took office, Theresa May has had to disagree with him publicly over his decision to impose trade tariffs on EU steel, abandon the Iran nuclear deal, move the US embassy to Jerusalem, order a Muslim travel ban and retweet anti-Muslim messages from a British far right group.
In turn, the US president has described Britain as being in political "turmoil", criticised its defence spending and shown no enthusiasm for coming to visit: in the 18 months of his presidency, Mr Trump has chosen to visit 17 other countries first.
Whatever this relationship is, it can hardly be described as special.
So this trip is about ticking a diplomatic box, getting a visit out of the way before its further delay became politically embarrassing.
And as working visits go, it is on the minimal side: no Downing Street barbecue, no cabinet visit, no speech to both Houses of Parliament.
The diplomatic aim will be to get through the visit without any gaffes, without upsetting the president, and without him saying anything disobliging about Brexit or a future trade deal.
The UK and the US do have a good relationship at an institutional level, in the fields of defence, security and intelligence. The tricky bit is always the politics and the personalities.
On Friday, Mrs May and Mr Trump will go to watch a joint counter-terrorism exercise by British and US special forces at a military base.Donald and Melania Trump
The pair will then travel to Chequers - the PM's country residence in Buckinghamshire - for talks with the foreign secretary.
The president and first lady will travel to Windsor on Friday afternoon to meet the Queen, before flying to Scotland to spend the weekend at Mr Trump's Turnberry golf resort. This part of the visit is being considered private.
The Police Federation has warned the visit will put "unquestionable pressure" on UK police forces as tens of thousands of people are expected to protest against the president in London on Thursday and Friday - and in Glasgow on Friday.Protesters in Regent's Park
It has also complained that 300 officers working during the visit will have to sleep on camp beds in a gymnasium that has no hot water and restricted access to hot food.Smaller demonstrations are also expected to be held across the UK, including Devon, Dundee, Edinburgh, Belfast, Norwich, Manchester, Leeds and Liverpool.
Meanwhile, London Mayor Sadiq Khan has granted permission for a giant inflatable figure depicting Mr Trump as a baby to fly over Westminster for two hours on the second day of the president's visit.
But the balloon will not be allowed to fly over his Turnberry golf course, Police Scotland have said.

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