BUHARI AGAINST THE WORLD - The Insurance and Finance Scope <!-- tosinakinde_sidebar(1)_AdSense6_160x600_as -->

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Monday, July 16, 2018


President Muhammadu Buhari 

By Edet Eyo Bassey
I don’t know how many of us took interest in the revolutionary lyrics and songs of the legendry American rap star; Tupac Shakur (1971 – 1996).
For those who may not know Tupac came into prominence as a rap artist with his innovative musical beats and lyrics that took a swipe at the establishment whom he alleged encouraged repression of African Americans. He did not spare fellow black folks that he accused of all manner of misdemeanour and as being the architects of their travails. Through his strong lyrics, he sought to chastise the status-quo and possibly bring about change. Tupac was a late 1990 revelation of African American rap culture who saw himself as “the rose that grew on the rock”. That is, to say; nobody gave him a chance. His lyrics are littered with lamentations of white prejudice, neglect, deprivation, persecution, poverty, police brutality, hatred, racism and what have you. Tupac may have been a thug as some perceived and thought of him but to many he was a crusader for social justice, equality, a new order and egalitarian society. For what he represented and advocated in his short life span, his message of freedom and equality endeared him to the ordinary folks and persons of good conscience.
As I lay back in quiet contemplation of developments in the Nigerian political space; specifically, the conspiracy against President Muhammadu Buhari and the purported gang-up by leaders of 40 political parties to unseat him in 2019, the title and lyrics of one of Tupac’s memorable songs “Me Against the World” wherein he expressed his anguish and frustration flashed in my mind’s eye and popped at me. That is from where I drew the inspiration for this literary piece; “Buhari Against the world”.
There may be no basis for proper analogy between Buhari and Tupac. Both cannot be boxed in the same pigeon hole. Their lives and times are poles apart but something intrinsic connects them both. That is, a life of extra-ordinary ability for the use and application of words, an exceeding commitment and uncanny love for the good of others. Above all, their quest for the well-being and prosperity of the people with whom they are/were identified and affiliated.
Tupac Shakur, had nothing going for him. A child of a single parent with no proper education. He was perceived as a ruthless street thug. However, behind that façade was a hidden destiny unveiled in a reformist message that took African Americans by storm and caused the establishment to tremble. He was hated, vilified and persecuted. He died by the assassin’s bullet at age 25.
President Muhammadu Buhari is betrayed by his military background. He is seen by critics as a ruthless soldier, a tyrant and military dictator of no mean repute. His soft side and kind nature is clothed and often concealed in his intimidating height and disposition to discipline in a stern military fashion and tradition. Buhari, a man of humble beginning and modest taste rose to prominence through his career in the military to become head of state albeit by the barrel of the gun. His exposure to governance has placed Buhari in the minds and lips of people for various reasons.
Buhari by his nature and character defies classification as an establishment person. Perhaps like Governor El- Rufai of Kaduna state, the accidental public servant, Buhari may have found himself accidentally in the establishment. Otherwise, why do they reject him and not received him as one of their own? Why do they hate and despise him? Why do they criticize and hold strong aversion to his honest effort to right the wrongs that has been the endemic problems of the Nigerian state?
Buhari has been Governor, Head of state and Minister in addition to several other sensitive positions in the history of this country. His name has never been tainted or associated with anything untoward usually common with persons in similar positions. While others sought after prominence and self-aggrandisement often at the expense of the people, Buhari on the other hand is known for his quest and enduring effort to invent a new order and society befitting of Africa’s largest economy and most populous black nation.
Notwithstanding what is said about Buhari, none can be said to attach to his credibility as a leader. His credibility to lead is not derived from the wealth he possesses as most of our leaders/politicians’ strife to do. Rather, Buhari’s credibility to lead is drawn from and earned by his character and conduct. When a leader earns the peoples trust as Buhari has done, they listen and follow him. His adversaries seem to be oblivious of this simple fact. They keep pondering over his popularity against the likes of OBJ who became rich in his presidency, amassed wealth, built mansions and a presidential library yet unable to attract followership of the people.
As a military Head of state though short lived (1983 -85) Buhari understood and identified indiscipline as the root of a disorderly society that Nigeria had come to represent and corruption as the bane of her under-development and lack of progress as a nation. Buhari lunched war against indiscipline (WAI) and anti-corruption war. He instituted measures aimed at eradicating these vices. Before anyone could say Mo-ha mma-du, entrenched established interest groups, enemies of a progressive Nigerian state colluded and conspired with a section of the military led by IBB to oust Buhari from power thereby abruptly terminated what pundits have described as the foundation for a better Nigeria that Buhari attempted to lay. No individual or nation can succeed in his/her set goals without paying the necessary price/sacrifice. Discerning Nigerians were/are willing to endure the sacrifices leading to transformation of a better Nigeria. However, because it was/is under Buhari’s watch, all manner of excuses is cooked up to condemn the government and dethrone him from office. Incidentally, Nigerians endured more hardship, a deceptive and tortuous transition programmes and institutionalized corruption under IBB who had promised the nation Eldorado.
Buhari’s long walk to civilian presidency was a convoluted one and need no re-stating here. As always, his burning desire for a better Nigeria remained unquenchable and served as a propelling factor for his journey to 2015 when he was elected President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. Determined to cleanse the rot in the system, Buhari embarked on a three-course agenda of (i) fighting corruption (ii) fixing an ailing economy and (iii) tackle insecurity in the country. These were no mean engagements for a president that inherited a country plundered and raped by the previous PDP administration that left her citizenry with very low morale and little or no hope for national rejuvenation.
Since assumption of office as president, Buhari’s government has toiled on all fronts to confront the challenges facing the nation. Buhari has not only given Nigerians hope by rebuilding the broken past arising from the malfeasance of 16years of PDP administration. He has opened fallow grounds in governance and is diligently laying the foundation for a sustainable national economy and self- sufficiency. Buhari’s on-going campaign against insecurity has to a very large extent decimated the influence of the notorious Boko haram sect and restored the territorial integrity of the country. He is tackling other forms of insurgencies across the country and relentlessly confronting the vex issue of Fulani herdsmen and farmers clashes in the middle belt. Unknown to many, the fight against corruption is of gargantuan dimension as actors and beneficiaries of the ominous trade are fighting back with ferocity. The fight against corruption is the most challenging area of our national rebirth. This is because the establishment and their accomplices who think Nigeria is their birth right thrive on the proceeds of corruption (oil wells, import duty exemption, mega deals, exceptional privileges etc). These powerful but infinitesimal percentage of the Nigerian populace cannot bear or endure Buahri’s contemptuous disposition for their despicable trade and have ganged up against his presidency and by implication the will and interest of Nigerian people. President Buhari earned his presidency by massive votes and support of Nigerians who see him as standing for and effectively representing their interest.
For standing tall, bold and courageous against their ilk and activities appalling to good conscience and national development, President Muhammadu Buhari must be stopped and removed from office to pave way for corruption to thrive. They hate Buhari for exposing their thieving nature and stalling the sources of their ill-gotten wealth. Imagine the shame and reproach on their family members following the revelation of “Dasuki’s money fountain”, Deziani’s US dollar flow station and Jona’s order for the pillage of our national reserve.
In a line in his song “Me against the world”, Tupac wrote; “And those that possess steal from the ones without possession”. In a recent visit to Bauchi state, Buhari told the people “I will sell their ill-gotten possessions and use the proceeds to do something for you”. This is not the kind of news the oppressors want to hear, so Buhari must go. They are canvassing an assemblage of like-minded persons with international collaborators to lunch a most vicious and insidious campaign against Buhari’s re-election in 2019. Fellow compatriots, it is Buhari against the world; we against them.
Patriotic Nigerians should bear in mind that this hate and worldwide campaign is not directed solely at President Buhari as a person. It is aimed at capturing the soul of the nation. These rogue elements have re-invented themselves in the guise of “reposition PDP” to once again deceive Nigerians and re-capture power for their selfish ends. We should not cease to ask what brought about the fall of the largest party in Africa and thereafter necessitated its re-positioning. They have cooked up silly and unimaginable excuses to discredit Buhari and the APC federal government all in an attempt to hoodwink the less informed and gullible populace. Anybody who has not seen change in Nigeria should “blast” himself. In their time, our kids went to school hungry, 2 cups of garri sold for N100. Now our kids are fed in school, 6 cups of garri is sold for N100. Let us endure the momentary price that comes with change rather than let them take over again.
It is time to stand with Buhari to fight the enemies of our nation.
Bassey is a socio-political commentator and writes from Uyo, Akwa Ibom state.

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