Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte Tells Off Trump Right To His Face - The Insurance and Finance Scope <!-- tosinakinde_sidebar(1)_AdSense6_160x600_as -->

 The Insurance and Finance Scope

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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte Tells Off Trump Right To His Face

A routine White House photo-op took an unusual turn on Monday when Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte interrupted President Donald Trump and then contradicted him on tariffs and trade. 

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte Tells Off Trump Right To His Face
A routine White House photo-op took an unusual turn on Monday when Dutch Prime
The Trump administration in May announced tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Canada, Mexico and the European Union. Trump said Monday he would be meeting with EU officials soon to discuss the dispute. 
“If we do work it out, that’ll be positive, and if we don’t, it’ll be positive also, because...” Trump said. 
“No!” Rutte interjected with a smile.
“Well, just think about those cars that pour in here, and we’ll do something, right?” Trump replied.
But Rutte ― still smiling ― wasn’t having it. 
“It’s not positive,” he said. “We have to work something out.”
Trump thanked Rutte and the two shook hands. 
“The relationship between the Netherlands and the United States is over 400 years old,” Rutte said. “We are allies. We have always been friends, always been friendly, working closely together.”
  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.

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