Tattooed Man Decides To Remove His Genitals Because It “Conflicts” With His Body Art - The Insurance and Finance Scope <!-- tosinakinde_sidebar(1)_AdSense6_160x600_as -->

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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Tattooed Man Decides To Remove His Genitals Because It “Conflicts” With His Body Art

A man, Adam Curlykale has undergone a surgery to have his genitals, and nipples removed because they distorted the view of his tattoos.
Curlykale, who is 90 per cent covered in tattoos travelled from his home country to a clinic in Mexico, where he had the surgery. Daily Mail reports that he felt that some parts of his body that wasn’t inked spoiled the look of his body art, so he paid to have his penis, testicles and nipples removed.
After the operation, he shared pictures of himself in the hospital with his social media followers.

Curlykale has spent 12 years covering his body, including his eyeballs, with black ink after he was diagnosed with cancer.
He became famous last year after taking part in a television show called ‘Second Face’ in Poland where he revealed he had gotten his tattoos to cover the blemishes that were left behind by cancer.
He said he is still planning what tattoos to get on the small section of his skin that remains ink-free.
‘I design my tattoos because it’s my body. I have a specific vision for myself and I do it step by step,’ he said.
‘Life is so short that I stopped wondering what will happen tomorrow. Life is here and now.’

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