10 primary school pupils caught engaging in a sex orgy - The Insurance and Finance Scope <!-- tosinakinde_sidebar(1)_AdSense6_160x600_as -->

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Friday, August 3, 2018

10 primary school pupils caught engaging in a sex orgy

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A man got the shock of his life when he went to investigate the noise coming from his neighbour’s apartment only to find 10 primary school pupils engaged in hot sex orgy.
According to the neighbour, he was disturbed after hearing noises in the next house. When he knocked, he came face to face with the pupils of Dhawabu primary school in Kayole, Kenya who claimed they were dancing but there was no music.
He said,
“When I entered the house I found five boys and five girls. I began questioning them and they divulged that they had been dancing.“I wondered how they were dancing without music and they declined to show me how they were doing it.”
Enraged residents of the area, however, stated that this was the second day the pupils had been seen in that house and blamed the school’s administration for negligence.
“How can a standard seven or eight pupil come home without homework? They are very idle,” added another concerned parent.
It was also gathered one of the pupils might be suffering from a venereal disease and was spreading it to the rest.
The pupils were taken to Kayole Police Station where they spent the night but they pleaded with police to release them saying they would never engage in such again.
Police in the area said they would sit down with the 10 pupils and have a candid talk with them.
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