36-year-old lady auctions her virginity for $283,466 - The Insurance and Finance Scope <!-- tosinakinde_sidebar(1)_AdSense6_160x600_as -->

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Friday, August 17, 2018

36-year-old lady auctions her virginity for $283,466

Mandy. Source: Daily Mail
A 36-year-old German virgin, simply identified as Mandy has successfully auctioned her virginity online for €250,000 ($283,466).

Mandy, who works as a flight attendant, enlisted the help of Cinderella Escorts to sell her virginity online after coming across the website in a newspaper, and her virginity been purchased by an anonymous businessman in Munich, reports Daily Mail.

The aspiring singer, who said she realised the “right man” she had been waiting for might never come along, told Daily Mail of abstaining from sex: “It’s like the casino – you have to know when to stop.  I could go on for years telling myself that I only have to wait another year to meet the right guy.”

And Mandy, who has said she intends to use the proceeds of the auction to boost her career and help her family revealed she thought her age drove up the bidding on her virginity.

“Every woman can only lose her virginity once,” said Mandy, who will meet the successful bidder to complete the transaction next month.

“But if she has kept them for a very long time, it makes the pleasure all the more valuable.”

The flight attendant says she still hopes to meet her dream man after the sale.

The second highest bid for Mandy’s virginity came from a lawyer at €240,000 and the third was from a football Player from Munich at €200,000.


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