Akpabio’s Rumoured Defection: Ita Awak Warns A’Ibom APC to Thread Carefully - The Insurance and Finance Scope <!-- tosinakinde_sidebar(1)_AdSense6_160x600_as -->

 The Insurance and Finance Scope

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Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Akpabio’s Rumoured Defection: Ita Awak Warns A’Ibom APC to Thread Carefully

The Director of Airworthiness in the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCCA) and an APC Chieftain in Akwa Ibom State, Engr Ita Awak has loudly warned Akwa Ibom APC over the rumored defection of Akpabio to APC. He premised his warning following a widely publicized article captioned: Stop Begging Akpabio, he is set to join APC – PDP Chieftain
“Again, let me loudly warn the leadership, followers and teeming admirers of APC in A’Ibom State that if we unwittingly believe or take this tale hook, line and sinker, the intended consequences back of the widespread publication of this article shall do severe and unmitigated damage to the interest of the APC in A’Ibom State as far as the 2019 governorship and general elections are concerned.”
“I have said it time and again that there is no conflict and/or any form of disagreement or disputation between the chap called Godswill Obot Akpabio and his protege, Udom Emmanuel. Both of them are twin partners connected by a single criminal umbilical cord in the racket of mindlessly fleecing the common patrimony of Akwa Ibom State and people. They are mutually dependent on one another. Godswill depends on Udom to shield him from the fangs of the EFCC by criminally covering the slimy tracks of the conservatively guesstimated 2.9 trillion Naira the Akpabio government callously stole from the A’Ibom State treasury. Conversely, the perfidious, none performing and exponentially corrupt Udom government believes it needs the Akpabio perceived hold on A’Ibom PDP to retain his tenancy of Hilltop Mansion in 2019. Nothing can cut this strong bond of larceny.”
“Knowing the Godswill Akpabio fellow as I do, the publicly displayed show of conflict between himself and Udom, that his government cold-bloodedly murdered several A’Ibom people to foist, is nothing but a well-choreographed drama chiefly put together to mislead APC gullibles and political neophytes; this is a roadshow specifically intended to induce the A’Ibom APC leadership into a state of morbid complacency, it is a plot to give the unwary the false hope that Udom is a work-over, a weak and abandoned PDP contestant that APC will easily trash and triumph over in the 2019 governorship and House of Assembly elections.”
“APC leaders, followers and admirers in A’Ibom, please kindly listen to my warnings. THERE IS NO CONFLICT BETWEEN GODSWILL AND UDOM. These two chaps are playing the mind game on APC. This particular article and many more like it that are coming have the full blessings and sponsorship of the two. I plead that we do not allow ourselves to get deluded by this cheap ploy; because if we do, we shall meet our political Waterloo in the 2019 elections.”, he warned in a statement he made in response to that article

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