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 The Insurance and Finance Scope

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Monday, August 6, 2018


Pastor Chris Oyakhilome - Official Pictures

This month has to do with the greater picture that God has for you.
God wants us to review the things we have learnt. Look through the things God has taught you and the instructions he has given you.
Find out if you are following the direction that God has asked you to go. Look through your notes, listen to the messages.
Study them again, bring them back to your mind and make sure you are walking in God’s perfect will for your life.
This is what the Holy Spirit has come to do in your life. It is the Holy Spirit’s ministry not only to teach you but to remind you of the things He has said to you.
This month, God wants to get your mind to the things He has taught you.
When you come to a point in your life when the Lord is teaching you about reflecting on the things you have been taught, it means He is talking to you about points of decision. Hebrews 11:8-9
When it comes to points of decisions, two things are important :
1. What did God tell you before?
2. Can you trust Him? In your life, you have to make a decision where you want to live: in the world or in the word?
When you are making decisions, are you making decisions that will alter your life forever and take you away from God’s plan or are you making decisions that will help you fulfil God’s plan for your life?
When thoughts bombard your mind, you have to know the difference between a voice that God sent to you and the voice of a stranger (the voice that was not sent to you by God) Heb 11:24-25
What are your values?
What choices. would you make at your points of decision?
In life, there are decisions to be made, it is not necessarily the most attractive ones that should be chosen. Reflect on what God said about that matter before.
No one ever put Himself in God’s hands and regretted it. Ruth 1:1-17
When we come to points of decision what is needed is WHAT DID GOD SAY! Not the best idea, not what is practical.
It pays to see visions and look into God’s plan. If your heart is after God’s vision, the more you pray when at a decision point, the more God drags you in the direction of His vision. Heb 11:13-16.
When you want to serve God with your life, you must burn your bridges. Until you burn your bridges, you are not ready.
There’s a language of the people of faith.
In our lives, we must understand that we are not in the same class with the world.
When God puts you in a place, stay where God put you. Don’t be carried away by the success symbols of the world.
Acts 7:37-39. Do not turn back in your heart. God needs your heart; what is God leading you to do?
There are instructions in God’s word. given to the Church. In the Church, God has instructions for different classes and groups. Where are you and what are the instructions to you?
There’s a way we are to relate with those who aren’t saved, we are supposed to win them to Christ. Are you winning souls? Reflect on these things…

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