T O S "Home Orphanage" Making The World A Better Place - The Insurance and Finance Scope <!-- tosinakinde_sidebar(1)_AdSense6_160x600_as -->

 The Insurance and Finance Scope

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Wednesday, October 17, 2018

T O S "Home Orphanage" Making The World A Better Place

Playing and having fun without fears and prejudices is the best any child can have in life!

We are living in a dissenting society as far as the economic situation is concerned, some have many and many have almost nothing. Within this framework of absences, the idea of ​​voluntary work arises. Volunteer work is an experience open to all. It is not only who is "expert" in something that can be voluntary. Everyone can contribute from the principle that "what each does well, can do good to someone. The most important is the motivation of solidarity, the desire to help, the pleasure in feeling useful!

Giving is an exercise in detachment. It should benefit more those who donate than those who receive. All the people who ask you for money or any kind of donation are like teachers who come to teach you and give you an opportunity for you to exercise and practice generosity.   And I have increasingly believed that when a very weak person comes to us for help, we have an obligation to help only because we have had the blessing of not being in that situation.

The T O S orphanage is a place of ransom. And no one is rescued from a good situation; if these children are there it is because something went wrong in their life right at the beginning of their walk in this world. It would be good if she were with her own family, be it the original, the extended or the adopter! 

2017 Christmas Party

On May 5, 2017, the TOS orphanage began with the support of important partners who believe in the mission and are interested in the well-being of children. T O S's intention is to care for, educate, love and try to make our children's childhood a better and above all dignified !

Eight of our twenty-five children 

Who we are

We are a team of five people, that's right, five people! In order to educate, mobilize efforts for our twenty-five children (total children) so as to make them people of values, and have a home where you can call yours!
That's why we need your help, attention and affection. Your support is key, get involved in the long run, even being away!

 Join us, helping us to help our children.

Your help can be a blessing to our children and to the staff.

- That clothes that do not fit anymore ...

- The shoe that does not match any more ...

-The toy your child does not like ...

   Everything has much value for us!
 Donating is one of the links that can strengthen the chain of good. Everyone can give something of themselves and gain a lot from it.

How to donate

whatever the value, it will be very relevant to us!  Often a small offer produces greater effects!

-Bank Name: Guaranty Trust Bank, Lagos     Nigeria: For Foreign Assistant. 

 Accou nt Number: 0427967891  

 Account Name: Akinde Tosin Michael 

 Swiftcode: GTBINGLA

 For local Assistant 
 AccountName: Akinde Tosin Michael 

 Akinde Tosin Michael - @AkamicTosin
 Ana Paula Menezes - @MenezesPaulaa 

               "THE HANDS THAT HELP, ARE                                MORE ,SACRED
                than the lips that pray"
              - MADRE TERESA DE CALCUTÁ -



  1. Can i assist with 50 dollars, and if yes how do i make payment into the account

  2. Below the article there is two acct one dollar acct and the other is for local currency which is Naria. You can transfer into the dollar acct.. Using the swift code and the account number provided. Thanks for assistance

  3. Bank Name: Guaranty Trust Bank, Lagos Nigeria: For Foreign Assistant.

    Accou nt Number: 0427967891

    Account Name: Akinde Tosin Michael

    Swiftcode: GTBINGLA.

    For local Assistant
    AccountName: Akinde Tosin Michael

  4. Bank Name: Guaranty Trust Bank, Lagos Nigeria: For Foreign Assistant.

    Accou nt Number: 0427967891

    Account Name: Akinde Tosin Michael

    Swiftcode: GTBINGLA.

    For local Assistant
    AccountName: Akinde Tosin Michael
    Please kindly use the first account if you're outside nigeria and the second account is specifically for those in Nigeria. Thanks

  5. Hey is this bank details good to go
