All Of Against Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the type of cancer that causes more deaths among women around the world. However, when diagnosed and treated early, their chances of cure are quite considerable, dramatically reducing the risks of sequelae, both physical and emotional.
What is breast cancer?
Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in the breast as a result of genetic changes in some set of breast cells, which begin to divide uncontrollably. Abnormal growth of breast cells occurs in both the breast duct and the mammary cells. This is the most common type of cancer in the world, with 1.38 million new cases and 458,000 deaths per year, according to the World Health Organization. The ratio in men and women is 1: 100 - that is, for every 100 women with breast cancer, a man will have the disease. In Brazil, the Ministry of Health estimates 52,680 new cases in a year, with an estimated risk of 52 cases per 100,000 women. According to Mastology data, about one in 12 women will have a breast tumor until they are 90 years old. moreover, in 66.2% of cases, the patient is responsible for discovering the disease. Therefore, it is essential for the woman to perform regular self-examination and, after 50 years of age, to have a mammogram every two years, according to a recommendation from the Ministry of Health. It is also important to keep an eye on some symptoms that may arise when the disease sets in. Remember that the sooner diagnosed, the greater the chances of success in cancer treatment.
There are several types and subtypes of breast cancer. In general, the diagnosis takes into account some criteria: whether or not the tumor is invasive, its type histological type, immunohistochemical evaluation and its stage (extension)
Invasive or non-invasive tumor
Noninvasive breast cancer, also called in situ cancer, is one that is contained somewhere in the breast without spreading to other organs - the lining of the tumor does not break, and cancer cells are concentrated within that nodule. The invasive type happens when this membrane ruptures and cancer cells invade other parts of the body. All in situ cancer has the potential to become an invader.
1. Hardened breast nodule
This is usually the most striking symptom, and may indicate the existence of a cancer. However, only this isolated signal does not necessarily mean that there is the disease, since infections and cysts also generate nodules;
2. Breast Imbalance
If the woman notices a bowing in a part of the sinus also should be attentive and look for a specialist;
3. Swelling in the breast
If swelling occurs, unrelated to the symptoms of the menstrual period, it is necessary to investigate as well, as it may indicate the presence of the disease. But, remember, infections and inflammation, along with pain, also cause swelling in the breasts;
4. Redness in the breast
Like swelling, redness in the skin of the breast can also indicate some infection or inflammation, but it can also be one of the symptoms of breast cancer;
5. Changes in the nipple
Just like in the breast, any change in the nipples should be investigated. Especially if there are retraction or sinking of them. This is usually an obvious sign of illness as well;
6. Mass / nodule sensation in one breast
Sometimes the woman feels internally a kind of mass in the region of the breasts, and this must be investigated;
7. Increased nodal sensation in the armpit
If there is presence of nodules in the armpit area, it is necessary to consult a specialist, because although this increase may mean inflammation or infection, it may also be indicative of breast cancer;
8. Nipple thickening
Changes in the texture of the nipples should also be cause for concern, as this is one of the symptoms of the disease;
9. Hardening of the skin of the breast
If the woman notices that one of the breasts has a similar hardened part, she should also investigate the possible causes;
10. Secretions in the nipple
In many cases, the nipple can secrete blood or a serous fluid when the disease is in the body. For this reason, it is also worth keeping an eye on this symptom and verifying, even, if this secretion has a strong odor;
11. Creation of scabs or wounds near the nipple
If the skin of the breasts presents wounds or scabs near the nipple it is necessary to consult a specialist as well;
12. Swelling in the arm
Just as there may be swelling in the armpits, it may also extend to the arms as a result of breast cancer;
13. Breast pain
Breast pain is indicative of breast cancer, but usually at the onset of the disease, there is no presence of this symptom. It tends to be more evident in the more advanced cases, when the sinus becomes painful just by touching. But it is important to remember that the menstrual period and infections, such as mastitis, can also cause pain in the breasts;
14. Weight loss
Any unexplained weight loss should be investigated, especially if this loss is five or more kilos;
15. Tiredness
This may be a rather imprecise symptom, but when fatigue does not improve, even after rest, it is necessary to be alert, for when this fatigue becomes chronic, this may mean that the organism is struggling against some disease;
16. Abnormal bleeding
In general, in cases of breast cancer, there is a slight bleeding of the nipple. Therefore, if the woman notices the presence of blood, she should seek a specialist;
17. Change in the skin of the breast
Any abnormal redness, unexplained sores, changes in color, skipped veins should also be investigated;
18. Change in breast size
This symptom is also very striking of the disease, because if there is a decrease or increase of the sinuses, it can be indicative of cancer;
19. Changes in shape and texture in breasts
Small holes, reminiscent of cellulite, changes in the shape of the breasts and changes in the skin color of the breasts may also be cancer symptoms in the region;
20. Frequent itching of the breast or nipple
If the woman notices a recurring itching of her breasts or nipples, she should seek medical help as well.
These symptoms may appear alone or together, but only a more detailed assessment can say, with certainty, whether or not the disease exists. The best period to evaluate the breast is days after menstruation, because there is no longer the influence of the menstrual cycle.
In most cases, the patient herself discovers that there is a breast nodule or breast cancer, even if she can not detect the initial nodules (less than 1 cm and can only be seen with a mammogram).
Routine examinations in certain cases and in women over 50 are recommended by most physicians who follow the recommendations of the Ministry of Health, although there are doctors who prefer caution and ask to avoid excess. Self-examination is very important. It should be done only once a month, preferably at the end of menstruation.
To facilitate self-examination, the woman should apply a cream emollient or lubricating oil on the breasts, which can be done during the bath, under the shower. Any changes detected should be taken to the gynecologist, who may indicate additional tests if necessary. Among them the most common are mammography and breast ultrasonography.
Diagnosis of breast cancer
In order to find out breast cancer, it may have been noticed at the clinical (medical) examination or by imaging (mammography, ultrasound or resonance). Once you have the suspicion the mastologist will perform a biopsy. This biopsy may be a small surgery or with needles. In this way it is possible to remove pieces of the tumor that go to examination with the doctor pathologist, who will say if the alteration is or not a cancer.
Stages of Breast Cancer
The stages of breast cancer are ways that doctors give of giving notes to the time of the patient's illness in the case of breast cancer are divided into 4 types:
Stage 0: when the disease is restricted to where it started (carcinomas in situ)
Stage 1: the disease has invaded the local region, but is at most 2 cm in size (invasive carcinomas = has a chance of sending cells to other parts of the body)
Stage 2: the disease has invaded the local region, but is between 2 and 5 cm in size and has little involvement in the axilla (invasive carcinomas)
Stage 3: the disease has invaded the local region, but is larger than 5cm or very compromised in the axilla (invasive carcinomas)
Stage 4: When the disease has invaded other parts of the body such as: bones, lungs, liver, etc.
Guidelines for addressing breast cancer treatment
The main suggestion is clarification. Do not miss out on all your questions. Always write down when they appear and take them to the office so you can clarify them. When a patient knows what is happening, this can aid their own treatment. In addition, the Hospital has a psychology team to provide patient support.
There are many myths, such as saying that the deodorant causes cancer or that the bra makes bad for the breasts, that there are miracle remedies or rituals that cause the cure. I really respect all creeds and religions and I even want us to cling to the faith to help with healing. But what we need to understand is that if some greater force brings us to the Hospital, it is to allow us, somehow, to be helped in this process, until the possible cure.
Knowing and caring for your breasts is giving yourself the gift of prevention!
The more serious a disease is, the greater the hope has to be.
Because the function of hope is to fill what we lack.
-Ferreira, VirgÃlio-
Very informative pieces.. Thanks